

In 1 Thessalonians 5:18 it says “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you”. Lately life has been a little overwhelming. It feels like there aren’t enough hours in a day. I could really use 2 or 3 more of myself to accomplish everything that needs […]

Thankfulness Read More »

Home Sweet Home

Good Morning everyone! Wow, does it feel good to be home! I love vacation and it is always hard to leave what I call ‘fantasy land’ however, walking in the door of my home no matter what the weather is, wow. We got home last night from 15 days in Sanibel, Florida, at midnight(before daylight

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Girl Time

Good Morning Everyone! Ok, enough with the political blogs! Too serious for me plus, frankly really boring. I have no clue where today’s blog is heading or what it will be about but, I am sure I will find something to write about, otherwise, I will just sit here and type stuff to you all.

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He Is Risen!

Every year as the season of passover approaches I try to reflect on the past year. Have I truly tried to live for the sacrifice that was given to me? Have I served fearlessly and selfishly? Have I given my all out of complete obedience to the One who died so that I could be

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Good Morning Everyone! So, today is supposed to be 78 degrees!!!!!!! Oh, I am so thrilled. I love summer, I love summer, I love summer. Spring is one step closer to summer. Have I told you all how much I love summer? So, today however, I will be spending most of my day inside. Yes,

Paralyzed Read More »

Pumpkin Favorites!

I must admit Halloween is not my favorite holiday. Its my least favorite holiday actually. There is something about a day that celebrates the dead by dressing up in black and orange and feeds children endless amounts of candy to children right before bed that I can’t seem to understand. I’m not knocking the holiday,

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